厳しい現実 Harsh Reality



What surprises me as a newcomer is the gap between rich and poor, which shall remain unforgettable in my mind. If all the people were to be poor equally, I would be less surprised. Impressive is the gap which is widening. No one can escape from seeing the harsh reality of the society here. Here are some examples.   


1 街を駆けめぐる馬車 Cartonero 1   A horse and a cart on the street

2 仕事中のカルトネーロ(ダンボール回収者)Cartonero 2  A cartonero busy collecting cartons on the street.

2−1貧しさと礼節・・・カルトネーロの生活の実態 Poverty and Human Dignity・・・Miserable Life of Cartoneros

3 働くことに熱心なカルトネーロ Cartonero 3  An honest cartonero with social appeal to people on the street

4 道路の真ん中で仕事をする若者  Limpia Vidrio y Malabarista Youths washing cars and performing in the middle of the street

5 草原のスラム街・・・問われる人間の安全保障 A slum area on the pampa   … “human security” is in question.

6経済の成長は公徳心の後退を伴うEconomic growth is accompanied by degradation of civic virtues.

7きれいな建物に落書きするという攻撃を阻止することは不可能 It is impossible to stem the attack of scribbling facades de clean buildings

8ピケテーロという「仕事」Piqueterro as a “job”

9建築途中で放棄された建物 Construction of buildings only half done

10路上生活者(ホームレス)Homeless people

11車泥棒 Car thefts

12電線に引っかかっている靴 Shoes hanging on the wire

13 アルゼンチンの子供のうち約半分は貧しい About half of Argentine children are poor.

                                              December 2006
